


華麗置業Key Locus Group 總公司於澳洲墨爾本房地產市場擁有多年經驗,提供全方位專業房地產服務,從置業投資、移民定居和物業管理等,每一個過程我們都會細心聆聽,以專業的知識為每位客人提供個人化的服務,為外國投資者和本地客人爭取最佳的成果。


我們集團是由華麗置業Key Locus房地產有限公司、Key Locus諮詢信託基金和Key Locus海外房地產諮詢有限公司所組成,並具備所有相關營業執照。我們更擁有最大的網絡團隊,一直以來與澳洲當地的開發商和建築商有著良好的關係和穩固的基礎。此外,我們正積極發展來自澳洲以及香港、中國大陸、台灣和印度網絡的團隊成員。我們對自己的品牌和房地產市場充滿熱情,希望將其推向更高的高度。





我們的團隊以KEY LOCUS 為服務宗旨:

K - Knowledge 知識

E - Experiences 經驗

Y - Yield return 收益回報

L - Leadership  領導潛能

O - Opportunity 把握優勢

C - Custom-made service 個人化服務

U - Unique platform 獨特的一站式平台

S – Satisfactory  圓滿方案




Name: Kylie Lok (Funder CEO)

Bio: Unlock your growth potential throughout various stages of life.

Head office: Level 10, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Email: kylie@keylocus.com.au

Contact number: +61 423 648 818

Languages: Cantonese (Fluent), Mandarin (Good) and English (Fluent)

Licensee: 083827L  


Name: Dave Chor (District Manager, HK.)

Oversea Office: 66/F, The Center, 99 Queens Road, Central, Hong Kong

Email: dave.chor@klrealestate.com.au

Contact number: +852 9490 4728

Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin (Both fluent) and English (Good)


Name: Kruthi M. Kodandarama (Administrator)

Email: info@keylocus.com.au

Contact number: +61 431 888 373

Languages: Kannada - south Indian language (Fluent), Hindi (Good) and English (Fluent)


Gavin Liu (Channel Manager – Asia)

I am writing on behalf of spec property to Kylie and Key Locus Group, thanks for your big support for Lilix project sales in Australia local and off shore market.

You and your colleagues provide profession service to our Lilix purchasers and we are looking forward to building up long term of relationship to Key Locus Group in future.


Lau Family – Satisfied Customer

Thank you Kylie & Team

Key Locus is the first agent I will go for sure, one of my good friend referral Kylie to us as we are one of the oversea buyer from Hong Kong, as our son is studying in Melbourne, me and my family never once left overwhelmed by the process, the knowledge and step by step guide she and her team provided very well, helped us to relax throughout the difficult processing. Thank you very much!



Key Locus Consulting of the Founder CEO - Kylie Lok, when she face to customer and to cultivate internal team her always abundant to show how 『CHIFF』is she. 『CHIFF』is imply: Clever;High-quality;Innovative;Friendly;Fun. 

華麗顧問創辦人-Kylie Lok在面向客戶,及培育內部團隊都充分展現出她很『CHIFF』的一面』。 『CHIFF』 意味了: Clever聰慧;High-quality優質;Innovative創新;Friendly友好;Fun有趣。

Jenny Chen | Managing Director (Aceko Investments Property Group )

known Kylie Lok for 25 years. We have known each other since high school and became best friend.

We have worked together in the past before I left and back to real estate business.During the time when we have worked together, she has been very organised and trustworthy. She is always willing to go above and beyond what is expected of her. She is respectful and gets along well with her co-workers. She was often given additional responsibilities and assumed a leadership role while encouraging others on her team.

I would highly recommend Kylie as her knowledge would be a valuable asset.

認識Kylie Lok 25年,從高中開始我們就認識,並成為最好的朋友。在我離開並回到房地產業務之前,我們曾一起工作過。她是一位非常有條理,值得信賴的合作夥伴。她總是願意做出並超越自己所期望的目標。她尊重他人,並且與同事相處融洽。她更經常擔任領導角色,並鼓勵團隊的其他成員發揮所長。我強烈推薦Kylie,因為她的知識將是一筆寶貴的財富。

Nancy – Satisfied Customer

Thank you Key Locus.I recommend them to all my friends and every time I host a house party at my lovely new home. The wonderful floor-plans and locations is what we been dream off.


Anjali – Satisfied Customer and Friend

Thanks for the support and always helpful.I am writing this email to appreciate Kylie Lok and what a wonderful consultant she is. She is a great friend too.I know that no matter what she is always there to guide me in the right direction which she has been doing for me for quite long time. She is my always a go to person. Thanks for all the consulting Kylie, much appreciated.


Angie Park –Satisfied Customer and Friend

As a fellow friend & my consultant, Kylie Lok, I can most certainly say that she is one of the most trustworthy and hardworking person out there! She's indeed one of the greatest consultants who has many experiences, and she is great with lots of passion with a bright mind-sets.Thanks Kylie, and all good guide & great consultant, also property management.

